Interview Venues

Using Interview Venues form you can add, modify or delete Interview venues of a particular customer or Business Unit.

Creating Venues

To create Interview Venues for a particular customer or Unit, select the customer name in the tree view of Customer Manager form and navigate to toolbar menu Other -> Interview Venues. See sample figure here

When you click on the menu Interview Venues the window as below is displayed.

Figure 2.1

To create Interview Venues enter the following information into the respective fields and press Save button on the toolbar, and to create another one press New button and repeat the earlier step.

Title: Enter the name of Venue address

Address: Enter the complete address of Interview Venue


  • Public to All -  Choose this option if you would like to make this Interview Venue available to all customers or Units saved in Customer Manager.

  • Unit or Customer Specific: Choose this option if you would like to make this Interview Venue available to only the specific customer or Unit you are creating for.  

Editing Venues

To edit Interview venues double click on the respective Venue Title listed on the left, and make changes on the right and press Save button on the toolbar.

To delete simply press
Delete button on the toolbar. Note: if the Interview Venue is being used, you will not be able to delete it. And you get the message in the status bar as "It is in Use. Unable to delete..."



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